Moulana Online is an online platform through which you can ask your question to an English-speaking scholar on any topic of ʾIslām. The site is regularly being updated with new questions and answers from across the world. This site is designed for you, especially if do not have access to a properly trained scholar and if you want to keep your queries private.
Meet Our Team of ʿUlamā

Mawlānā Syed Asad Raza
Ḥuj‧jaŧ al-ʾIslām waʾl-Muslimīn Mawlānā Syed Asad Raza was born in Karachi, Pakistan in 1953. He migrated to Ottawa, Canada in 1975 and studied computer science in Toronto from 1975 to 1979. From 1980 to 2005, he worked with Canada’s leading financial institutions. In 2005, he joined the Ḥawzaŧ al-ʿIlmiy‧yaħ in Qum, Iran to specialize in the fields of fiqh (ʾIslāmic jurisprudence) and ʾuṣūl al-fiqh (principles of ʾIslāmic jurisprudence) and formally completed his studies in 2018. He returned back to Toronto in 2018 and taught, as well as worked as the religious adviser, at al-Hādī ع School till 2021. Currently, he is engaged in leading a team to grammatically color-code the Qurãn to facilitate its easier comprehension and understanding.