Questions & Answers
Categories: American Courts , Public Defamation , Slander
Q1 - I have been subject to public defamation (tuhmah) by a certain individual. The defamation has cost me over $100,000 in business. I owe this person $200,000 and I have given him $100,000 in return. An American court has ruled that I am entitled to the remaining $100,000 as it was proven that the defamation cost me $100,000 worth of clients due to the disrepute this person caused me. In light of the judge's decision in favor of me, is the $100,000 that I keep halal according to Islamic law in light of the court's decision?
A - Based on the information you have given, if the person purposely sought to damage you/your reputation and caused you loss, and the judges decision was based on the true facts presented, then in that case, you have the right to keep the money. Otherwise, you need to get that persons permission or come to a resolution with his consent.
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