Questions & Answers
Acceptance of Prayers
Q1 - I am a shia but I have no knowledge about Shiism are my ibadat accepted
A - Knowledge of Shiism is not a condition for ibaadah (ritual acts) to be valid. Although attaining knowledge and understanding is highly emphasized in Islam and I encourage you to seek this knowledge and learn. There is a good website that provides great introductory classes with learned scholars.
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team
A - Yes you should pray qadha.
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team
Q3 - Today I burped while I was praying, do I have to re do the prayer or just the surah?
A - Burping does not invalidate the prayer. If it caused a barrier to your recitation you can just recite that section or verse again.
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team
A - If a belt is leather and from skin that is non zabiha or haram animal then one cannot pray with it. If you do not know if it is leather or not then it is okay.
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team