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Artificial Insemination

  • Q2 - I saw my mother (late) she was looking very beautiful, young with black hairs. She told me that I am going to die today. And this is my last day alive. I've forgotten the remaining dream. what could be the possible meaning of this?

    looking forward

    A -

    Bismillahi wa Taala


    Dreams are the occurrences that we experience with our imaginal faculty.  Some dreams are true, whilst others are not.  Dreams can come from Allah or an Angel and are considered “superliminal” or from the “superconscious”.  These types of dreams are meant as encouragement for the good you have done and are doing and for you to maintain that goodness and even increase it.  Or, dreams can come from your own self (nafs) and even Shayṭān, which in this case they are considered “subliminal” or from the “subconscious”.  These dreams are nothing but warnings for you to correct and rectify yourself.

    When it comes to interpreting dreams, however, we must be very careful and cautious.  We are told in ṣaḥīḥ Ḥadīth reports (found in ʾUṣūl al-Kāfī), that “The dream is upon what you interpret,” and, “The dream is upon what interpretation you give it.” Meaning: whatever and however you interpret your dream, it will come to be as such.  So, always make sure to interpret your dream (provided it meets the criteria of veracity) in a positive, wholesome, and good way.  This was the advice given to us by our final and beloved Prophet Mohammad(saw).

    You are encouraged to give charity (sadaqa) and perform your religious duties with even more dedication.

    May Allah(swt) bless you.

    Thank you for using Moulana Online.  We apologise for the delay in the response as we have many questions coming in and try to accommodate every question accordingly.  If you like our services, please try to refer us to anyone you may think that may benefit from our services.  Also, please consider in donating to our efforts @ https://www.husainifoundation.org/donate 〉. Only Allah(swt) Knows how much thawab is involved for you in this life and the Hereafter.  

    Jazak-Aʟʟᴀн Khayran!


    MoulanaOnline Aalim Team