Questions & Answers
A - One of the conditions for ghusl to be valid is that every part of the body (external) should be washed, and there should be no barriers. Therefore, if a small area remains unwashed, the ghusl in invalid. Ghusl must be performed again, and any Salaahs prayed with the invalid ghusl must be repeated.
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team
A - Wa alaikum salam. May Allah bless you and your family. Yes someone who is katheer ash-shak (doubts a lot, multiple times in one action) should ignore their doubts until they can perform the actions normally without doubt.
Tip for conserving water and using it wisely and get rid of doubt: Ghusl should take a total of 5 minutes or less. In the first minute or two, pour water over the body and then for a few minutes wash it. For a minute or two use, use water to rinse off the soap and make an intention for ghusl. Take a minute to rinse your head and neck, one minute for the right side and one minute for the left side. Use a clock in the beginning to track the time so you can improve as you progress. This will help you get rid of your doubt (shakk).
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team
A - You can continue performing your ghusl, but you must do wudu after for prayer. Ghusl takes away janaba (state of major impurity) and passing gas does not affect it.
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team
A - Yes, you must redo or do your wudu.
MoulanaOnline Aalim Team